We love our local community! We’re surrounded by great people and we try to give back as much support as we receive.
Every guest’s stay at Binga Beach Resort also helps the community as we dedicate a full 3% of our profits to our local charity projects. So you get to help Binga, too!
We focus on four areas to make the greatest impact: Youth, Health Care, the Environment, and the Binga Town.
Youth: Basketball Team Sponsorship
We’re proud sponsors of the ‘Binga Beach Boys’ basketball team, and they kick some serious butt! Just this past April they competed in the regional championships, placing second (it was so close..!).
Led by coach Tong Tong, they’ve trained together for the past several years. We’ve been able to aid them with uniforms, equipment, and funds for their activities and travel.
Health Care: Monthly Care Trip
On the first Wednesday of every month we hire a large caravan bus to offer any villager who needs it a ride into the desired main city to visit specialized doctors and treatment centers.
We vary the destination city and clinics based on the needs of the group.
Whenever possible we assist with payments for light treatments and medications. Any donations for this initiative are sincerely appreciated.
Already we have been able to completely sponsor cleft palate surgeries for several young girls and boys via the SmileTrain charity who are now facing their futures with brighter and happier smiles than ever 🙂
Environment: Weekly Beach Cleanup
Saturday is Sandy Day! Binga Beach (both the area of our resort and the entirety of Lumambong beach) aren’t pristine by accident! Every Saturday we hire local assistance to comb the beach for any and all washed up environmentally-damaging trash and debris.
The Binga Town: Event Sponsorships
We have become regular sponsors of major celebrations and events in the town, contributing to the yearly festival, for example, and each of its events such as the beauty pageant, boxing match, talent show and more.